Winning Routes from the 2015 Challenge the GATs

The following images show the routes taken by the winning teams of the 8 and 4 hour events.  Clicking on the images will bring up a full view (but will be > 1M)

The 8 hour Challenge the GATs route taken by 'The Fellowship' (Gandolf the Grey and Radagast the Brown aka Eric Kemp and Philip Turcanu ).

8 hour event


The 4 hour Challenge the GATs route taken by 'Rogaine in Vain' (Patrick Lahti and Alexander Bergstrom ).

4 hour event

The 2 hour Challenge the GATs route taken by Eric Williamson

2 hour event

Winning routes from the 2014 ROGAINE

The following images show the routes taken by the winning teams for the 2014 ROGAINE. Clicking on an image will bring up a full size view.

2 hour event, 4 hour event8 hour event

How We Cleared the Ottawa Rogaine

The other day I was lying on the couch chowing down on a jumbo bag of Cheetos and watching re-runs of Gilligan’s Island when my son Eric came up to me and asked if I would come outside to play in the woods. When Eric was eleven years old and a very keen scout, playing in the woods meant building shelters and lighting campfires, but now that he is 22 years old and an elite orienteer, playing in the woods is a completely different matter.

This year’s Gatineau Rogaine hosted by Ottawa OC was not my first attempt at this type of endurance race. I have run a Rogaine with my kids almost every year for the last 7 years but we have never managed to claim victory. The competition is always very tough and my pride too important to me (more about this later). This year Eric and I were on a mission to win.

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Winning Routes from the 2013 ROGAINE

The following images show the routes taken by the winning teams for the 2013 ROGAINE. Clicking on an image will bring up a full size view.

2 hour event, 4 hour event8 hour event