To purchase a season pass you must be a member and must have signed the waiver. If you have not yet signed the waiver, please sign in to your account and sign it there. Each adult must sign the waiver his/her self.
Once you have completed the form, please click on the 'continue' button at bottom right.
Payment may be made through Paypal either with a credit card or a Paypal account.
Mandatory fields are marked with '*'.
NOTE: This Pass is ONLY OPEN to Orienteering Ottawa Members. If you are not a member, please complete a membership form and opt for the Season's Pass there.
Starting July 1 the pass will be reduced in price to cover the remainder of the year.
Please review the information below. If changes are needed, click the 'back' button at the bottom left. (Do not use your browser's back button)
If the information is correct, proceed to payment through Paypal.
Now that you have purchased a season's pass, your registration will be quicker. You will still need your car licence and, if you own an SI card it will be quicker to sign in if you have it with you.
With completion of your Paypal transaction a receipt for your season's pass purchase has been emailed to you. If your payment was with your Paypal account you may log into your account at to view details of this transaction. If you paid with a credit card the name on the statement will be OttawaOC